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The Skin Code: A Guide to Working Out Your Skin Type

Image Via: Pinterest

Do you struggle with knowing what type of skin you have? Do you waste money on products which do not work for your skin? Are you frustrated with it all? Figuring out if your skin is oily, dry, a bit of both, sensitive, or just normal can make a big difference in how you take care of it. In this guide, we'll talk about what each type looks like and share some easy tips to help you figure out your skin type.


Do you have dry skin?


If your skin frequently feels tight and appears dull, and you notice flaky or dry patches, you likely have dry skin.

  • Dull and rough complexion.

  • Tightness and flakiness, especially after cleansing.

  • Fine lines and cracks.

  • Difficulty in retaining moisture.

Skincare Tips:
  • Aim for hydrating cleansers.

  • Use a rich moisturiser with ingredients like hyaluronic acid.

  • Avoid hot showers and opt for lukewarm water.

Do you have oily skin?


If your skin appears shiny, feels greasy, and you frequently battle with acne breakouts, you likely have oily skin.

  • Excessively shiny complexion, especially in the T-zone (forehead, nose, and chin).

  • Enlarged pores.

  • Makeup doesn't last

Skincare Tips:
  • Use a gentle cleanser to avoid removing too many of your skin's natural oils.

  • Incorporate oil-free and non-comedogenic products.

  • Regularly use a clay mask to control excess oil. Prone to acne and blackheads.

Do you have combination skin?


If your skin shows a combination of oily and dry characteristics, you likely have combination skin.

  • Different areas of the face may exhibit characteristics of both oily and dry skin.

  • Typically, the forehead, nose, and chin (T-zone) are oilier, while the cheeks and eye areas may be drier.

Skincare Tips:
  • Use a gentle, balanced cleanser.

  • Apply a light moisturiser on the oily areas and a richer one on the dry areas.

  • Spot treat specific areas with targeted products.

Do you have sensitive skin?


If your skin often reacts to new products or environmental changes, you likely have sensitive skin.

  • Prone to redness, itching, burning, or dryness.

  • Easily irritated by skincare products or environmental factors.

  • May react negatively to certain ingredients.

Skincare Tips:
  • Choose fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products.

  • Patch test new products before applying them to your face.

  • Use sunscreen daily to protect against environmental triggers.

Do you have normal skin?


If your skin isn't excessively dry or oily, and you rarely experience irritation or breakouts, you likely have normal skin.

  • Well-balanced complexion with no excess oil or dryness.

  • Small pores.

  • Rarely experiences breakouts or sensitivity.

Skincare Tips:
  • Maintain a consistent skincare routine to preserve your skin's natural balance.

  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.

  • Experiment with a variety of products to find what works best for you.

Overall skincare tips:

  • Maintain a consistent skincare routine to preserve your skin's natural balance.

  • Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen daily.

  • Explore a range of products to discover the ones that suit you best.

Understanding your skin type is key to having healthy and glowing skin. Changing your skincare routine to match your skin's needs can greatly improve its overall health and look. Regularly observing your skin, experimenting with products, and seeking advice from a dermatologist can help you take better care of your unique skin type.


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